Proper foot care can help prevent common diabetic foot problems and/or treat them before they cause serious complications. Here are some tips for good foot care:

Prevention of Diabetic Foot Complication

  1. Take care of yourself and your diabetes. Follow your health care provider's advice regarding nutrition, exercise, and medication. Keep your blood sugar level within the range recommended by your doctor.
  2. Inspect your feet frequently. Look for puncture wounds, bruises, pressure areas, redness, warmth, blisters, ulcers, scratches, cuts and nail problems. Get someone to help you, or use a mirror.
  3. Wash your feet in warm water every day, using a mild soap. Test the temperature of the water with your elbow, because nerve damage can affect sensation in your hands, too. Do not soak your feet. Dry your feet well, especially between the toes.
  4. Check your feet every day for sores, blisters, redness, calluses, or any of the other problems listed above. If you have poor blood flow, it is especially important to do a daily foot check.
  5. Use quality lotion to keep the skin of your feet soft and moist -- but don't put any lotion between your toes.
  6. Trim your toe nails straight across (or have a medical provider do it for you). Avoid cutting the corners.
  7. Use a nail file or emery board. If you find an ingrown toenail, see your doctor.
  8. Gently smooth corns and calluses with an emery board or pumice stone. Do this after your bath or shower, when your skin is soft. Move the emery board in only one direction.
  9. Always wear closed-toed shoes or slippers. Do not wear sandals and do not walk barefoot, even around the house.
  10. Always wear socks or stockings. Wear socks or stockings that fit your feet well and have soft elastic.
  11. Wear shoes that fit well. Buy shoes made of canvas or leather and break them in slowly. Extra wide shoes are also available in specialty stores that will allow for more room for the foot for people with foot deformities.
  12. Always check the inside of shoes to make sure that no objects are left inside by mistake.
  13. Protect your feet from heat and cold. Wear shoes at the beach or on hot pavement. Wear socks at night if your feet get cold.
  14. Keep the blood flowing to your feet. Put your feet up when sitting, wiggle your toes and move your ankles several times a day
  15. If you smoke, stop. Smoking can make blood flow problems worse.
  16. If you have a foot problem that gets worse or won't heal, contact your doctor for advice and treatment.
  17. Make sure your diabetes doctor examines your feet during each check-up. An annual foot exam should be performed that includes an inspection of the skin, a check of the temperature of your feet, and an assessment of the sensation to the foot.
  18. See your podiatrist (foot doctor) every two to three months for check-ups, even if you don't have any foot problems.